Heather Tanguay
July 18 (2) Saved! (World's Largest Thermometer)
Updated: Jul 21, 2019
You don't have to have an oven to be a baker in Baker in July. The wind will suffice.
Going into Baker, the dash says the temperature is 111. To conserve charge, I have all the ancillary functions turned off – no radio, no AC. I am sweating profusely, drink two quarts of electrolyte water in 30 minutes. I pour the rest of my plain water over my head, drenching my dress. I have the windows partly down, though I wonder if the resulting wind drag sucks away more power than running the AC would.
And then - salvation!
As reported on the Plugshare and EVgo websites, Baker has an EVgo charging station under a solar collecting shade canopy. It is truly like seeing the promised land, for me. Charging and shade (plus local fast food and souvenirs!)
Girl in the restaurant where I eat a great taco says that it gets to 117 regularly in the summer. They used to have pool in this small town where everyone went, but now it is closed. I cannot commiserate strongly enough.
I buy a thermometer/compass keychain at the souvenir shop to commemorate one of the hottest days of my life.
(I do remember being in Las Vegas in the early 1970's, with my parents and sister, in our camper, and it was so hot the blacktop in the parking lot was melting. It stuck to our shoes when we walked from the car to Circus Circus Casino and made dark tracks across the casino's icy, marble entry.
I think the temp was 120 that day. I'll have to ask my parents and sister to see if they remember.)
Glad you are making it through. Cannot remember the temp in Vegas in 1970, I was 4. I do remember Circus Circus. Different priorities...
Do you have a supply of portable chargers?
HEATHER!!! I'm glad you're still alive. Next year I think you should do this trip in a horse drawn covered wagon.